Wednesday, 10 August 2022

How To Stop Snoring Now : Take Your Nights Back Amazingly Fast Without Surgery, Like A Baby Hands Down

What Is Snoring?

Snoring is Not Only Annoying

Snoring is not just something people do, it is a symptom; snoring is a manifestation of damage that caused by an underlying issue. Because snoring has been wrongly considered a part of many, if not most people’s sleeping habits, the damage that causes people to snore has gone unrecognized in most people, this is true even today.

What is The Damage?

Sleep is the recuperative process we must have in order to be healthy and sharp. Snoring is a disturbance that can interrupt our sleep, causing us to wake up from trouble snoring represents in our ability to breathe well, and even from the noise snoring can generate. Snoring is just a problem the snoring person alone must deal with; this is something that can affect anyone within earshot, especially a partner sleeping in the same bed, or someone sharing the room. Another person snoring can keep a person from getting truly restful sleep; this can be absolute torture for a person who must share a bed or sleeping quarters with someone who snores.

Noise is the least of the problems snoring causes. In its ultimately damaging form, people die, not from snoring, but Sleep Apnea. Snoring is just the audible manifestation of Sleep Apnea, which is the term for when a person involuntarily stops breathing while asleep. It is the Sleep Apnea is that causes a snorer to breath so heavily, not to mention loudly. Sleep Apnea is what causes a person to wake up gasping, or to adjust their sleeping position over and over throughout the night. A lack of deep rest has a cumulative degenerative effect on a person, affecting their mood, temperament, and ability to focus, concentrate and be a productive individual.

How Bad Can It Be?

Snoring is often depicted as being cute, or humorous in the sense of how ridiculous a person’s snoring can be, but let see how funny you think it would be if you were in that position. If you have never had to sleep with a person who snores, consider this a blessing in your life; now let us compare the often bombastic nature of a person’s snore. The following examples should give you an idea of what so many people must endure when trying to get a good night’s rest; each of these items registers at least the number of decibels as the average person who snores:

ü A gas powered lawn mower in use

ü A shop vacuum in use

ü A motorcycle in use

ü A low flying airliner

ü A chainsaw in use

ü All of your kitchen appliances running at the same time

Snoring is a Constant Issue

The point to remember about these examples is that you are subject to them for the entire time you are trying to get rest; deep, uninterrupted, quality sleep. This is not blowing things out of proportion, talk to anyone has slept with someone who snores what it is like and you will get an earful, so be prepared to listen. Snoring is not like the hiccups, it does not go away as suddenly as it appeared, snoring will be a persistent issue until something is done about it, or the snorer dies in their sleep.

Why Are You Reading This?

If you are reading this chances are either you, the person you spend your nights with or someone you care about snores and it is driving one of you, if not both of you absolutely crazy. Losing sleep is hugely detrimental. And it can make you feel a little crazy when you are faced with a wall of noise that stands between you and the sleep you so need and deserve, every night.

You are reading this because you are looking for a solution. You don’t want to keep snoring, or you definitely want your sleeping partner to stop snoring. Don’t get the impression that this is a brochure for snore resolving surgery, it is not. This book provides some very simple answers and solutions that can make all the difference in the world; these solutions have not only eradicated snoring, but are actually life savers. These non-surgical solutions can get back the sleep you need as someone who snores, or as a person who sleeps with someone who snores; either way the will be more sound sleep to go around.

Before proceeding, we need to take the time to understand snoring at its most basic level; the physical components involved in the process. Once we understand how snoring works we can delve deeper into looking at its problematic nature. At this point we will study the harmful process of snoring, the negative effects it has and what it represents in the human body.

Once we understand what snoring is and what it can mean, we can then proceed into how to remedy the snoring dilemma. When it comes to solutions to biological processes, understanding the surgical procedures first; in order to understand how and why this option to snore resolution is a risky decision and in many cases does not help at all.

By the end of all this reading, you perception of snoring will be drastically changed; snoring will not be funny or acceptable for you or anyone you care about.


Understanding Snoring

Snoring is understood to be any kind of resonant sound that emanates from breathing while sleeping. The crux of the snore is where the mouth and nasal passages meet; this is the point where breathing during sleep causes vibration; otherwise known as snoring. This vibration is due to constricted breathing passages. As tight breathing passages are responsible for snoring, it should also be understood that the more pinched these passages are, the louder and more disruptive the snoring will be.

The reason snoring only occurs while slumbering is because the body is in a prone position in a relaxed state. The airway consists of tissues that operate in a similar method to muscles. When a person sleeps, these tissues become somewhat flaccid; so when lying down this tissue literally blocks the breathing passage causing the sleeper to breath with difficulty, resulting in more forceful breathing which then equates to snoring.

What Factors into How Loud a Person Snores?

Every person is unique in their composition and physical make up. This affects why some people snore at a very loud volume. Included as part of snoring the tone and pitch; basically we all have the same parts yet we all have our own uniquely identifiable voice, this is true for snoring as well.

How loud an individual may snore depends on the various factors involved in the process. Because there is basically a flap of tissue closing off the airway we need to breathe, breathing becomes more labored and aggressive to supply our lungs, body and brain with oxygen; snoring is an audible sign that the body is fighting for air. This is an issue that can affect just about anyone, even babies.

The smaller the passages involved with breathing are during sleep, the more forceful the body will become in an effort to get the air it needs, thusly the tissue blocking the airway will vibrate in proportion to the force needed to get the vital oxygen our body is being deprived of. This is how a snore becomes so loud.

Men Snore the Most

Generally speaking, men do most of the snoring that goes on in the world. This has to do again, with the physical composition of the male body; in this case, the neck, which is typically thicker. Because the male neck is more often fleshier in nature, there is more tissue substance found within. Obviously, the more tissue there is in the neck and surrounding the breathing passages, the greater the likelihood of bombastic snoring.

Women have a natural defense to snoring in the form of Progesterone. Granted, there are woman who snore just a loud and violently as men, and even more so in some cases, but it is simply not as common as it is with males. Progesterone is used as a form of therapy for men who suffer from snoring.

Snoring: Causes and Amplifiers

As we have already discussed, snoring is a symptom of something else. This symptom manifests in the form of a sound that comes from the inability to breathe easily during sleep. So what causes this trouble? The tissues involved with breathing are not the sole culprit for this bothersome problem. These factors are not gender specific; these are issues that affect men and women, although there are roughly twice as many male snorers as there are females who snore. Snoring factors have to do with our health and our lifestyle; these factors come in many combinations and include the following: 

Allergies commonly affect breathing.

ü Allergy medicines dehydrate the normally moist sinus passages.

ü Illness such as a cold or influenza also cause labored breathing.

ü Tissue scarring from surgery on the nasal passage.

ü General thickness of tissues found within the sinuses.

ü Nasal spray abuse agitates the sinuses and airway.

ü Snorting controlled substances.

ü Oversized tonsils and/or adenoids.

ü Goiter, a swollen thyroid gland.

ü Oversized tongue.

ü Obesity results in thickness of the neck and soft tissues.

ü Oversized stomach.

ü Consumption of alcohol.

ü Smoking.

ü Ageing.

Some of these issues affect men more than women, like excessive girth of the stomach region. This is believed to part of the reason men in general experience more issue with snoring than women.

Also, controlled substances; prescribed, available over the counter, or illegal are associated with side effects that lead to snoring such as drying the sinuses and relaxing the tissues at the back of the throat and air passages.

We have looked over that snoring is and broken down the physical process. We have also gone over the many issues that can affect and cause snoring, so we must now look deeper in to the issue to discover the truly deleterious effect snoring can have on a person’s wellbeing.

What is so bad about Snoring?

The whole concept of snoring is somewhat subversive; this is where the largest danger with snoring lies, how innocuous it is perceived by the majority of people. Snoring as word seems harmless enough, and this is a problem. The connotation of the word does not convey the true meaning of the action; when a person snores, their body is in a state where it is being deprived of oxygen and must therefore breathe much harder to force open the airway. Simply put snoring is a cry for help in the dark that says “I am not breathing!”

Because of this common perception of snoring, people become incredulous at the idea that snoring is a serious problem gives rise to health risks and emotional issues. This portion of the book addresses the severity of snoring and the many issues associated with it. Most people are ignorant to the fact that snoring, although common, is not normal, healthy or acceptable.

The Physical Aspects of Snoring

What needs to happen for people to understand what snoring truly represents is a change of perception; a dynamic shift of what snoring means. The gravity of the dangers of snoring cannot be stressed enough. What follows is an abridged list of physical health issues that are related to snoring:

ü Sleep apnea

ü Heart Disease

ü Stroke

ü Headaches

ü Night sweats

ü Heartburn

ü Swollen limbs

ü Weakened immune system

ü Loss of hearing

Remember, this is only an abridged list; there are many more physical issues that are part of snoring. These issues are not exclusive to adults, and neither is snoring. Snoring is encompasses all ages and genders making anyone susceptible to the many dangerous effects snoring can have. Let’s take a closer look at one of the more serious issues related to snoring.

Sleep Apnea in Depth

Sleep Apnea is a silent killer that strikes in the dark when a person is at their most vulnerable; when a person is asleep. This alone should be enough to make anyone who snores, or even cares about a person who snores to seek out some resolution; find some way to provide relief when sleeping so as not to stop breathing altogether. The term apnea is taken from the ancient Greek use of the word meaning: absence of breathing. Sleep Apnea is merely a precursor to asphyxiation.

The correlation between snoring and Sleep Apnea is direct: really snoring is just another word for Sleep Apnea. If snoring is caused by tissue blocking the air passage; this is an absence of breath. The sound associated with snoring is the vibration of the obstructive tissue being vibrated by the body sensing this blockage and breathing with a sense of urgency. Sleep Apnea is when breathing stops; snoring is when the body forces itself to breath hard enough to open the blockage. The correlation is simple.

Sleep Apnea does not have to be fatal to have a negative effect on a person’s health. Breathing provides the body with oxygen, it goes into the lungs and then into the bloodstream from where the oxygen it taken to all parts of the body. Sleep Apnea translates to not breathing; if we are not breathing, our body is starved of the oxygen it needs to survive and operate to its full capacity. A lack of oxygen causes an imbalance in the blood stream leading to an excess of carbon dioxide. Too much Carbon dioxide in the body creates a toxic state that can result in brain damage, heart disease or a stroke.

The Emotional Aspects of Snoring

Snoring does not affect the person who is actually snoring alone. Anyone close to a person who snores with any degree of severity understands this fact. How snoring affects the people around a person who snores is just as serious as the health risks involved. A person, who snores loudly; meaning as loud a running motorcycle or some other internal combustion device, can keep their partner from sleeping. A loud snorer can disrupt the whole house through the course of the night, every night.

This should begin to expose the vast area of problems that can arise due to snoring. A person who sleeps with someone who snores, or maybe shares the same room, or shares a wall between rooms, even so far as to be in the same building knows that trying to get a full night of deep, restful sleep is an exercise in futility. There is a lot of frustration involved with situations like these because the person snoring may be unaware of it, or believe there is nothing that can be done for it. Snoring can come with a costly emotional price tag; the following are few examples of emotional disturbances resulting from snoring:

ü Loss of sleep can cause depression or anxiety.

ü Break up of relationships, including marriages.

ü Eviction from dwelling for bothering tenants.

ü Clashing living partners or neighbors due to sleep disruption.

ü Poor performance at work leading to unemployment due to lack of sleep.

ü Short term and long term memory issues from lack of sleep.

ü Lack of compassion from those affected by snoring.

These are but a few of the many emotional problems that are part and parcel of snoring. The effects of snoring are very far reaching and destructive to those subject to them. Beneath the surface of each of these emotional states are the mental states associated to the person who snores and the person who has to deal with it. A few of the emotional states caused from snoring follow:

ü Exhaustion

ü Frustration

ü Resentment

ü Anger

ü Helplessness

ü Anguish

ü Desperation

ü Low self esteem

ü Confusion

It is not hard to see how lack sleep can affect ones demeanor, especially if the loss of sleep is due to someone else’s snoring. One can quickly lose empathy for a person who snores when they are the on being kept up. So how can the snoring issue be solved? There are different schools of thought and many approaches to alleviating snoring which will be discussed shortly, but first the surgical approach will be addressed and why it should not be the first choice.


Snoring and Surgery

Living in the twenty first century affords wonderful advances in medicine and surgery. Snoring is something that has plagued mankind since time immemorial. A person who snores in this day and age does is lucky in the sense that the impact of snoring is really starting to be understood. Before taking any approach to stop snoring, take advantage of what the medical community has to offer; find out why you are snoring. Knowing the root cause behind a snore will help to point you in the right direction as to how to eliminate or mitigate the snore as much as possible. Available options for relief can include allergy medicine up to surgery, although surgery for snoring is rarely if ever the best choice.

Snoring Does Not Equal Surgery

Surgery is often the considered to be the ultimate remedy to many of life’s problems. This does not always apply to snoring. In fact, the nature of surgery and snoring do not really go too well together. Surgery should be considered as the very last resort for several reasons. There are risks involved with any surgical process, and in many cases these risks are outweighed by the benefits; but this is usually the case where there are few if any other options to taking care of a problem that is affecting a person’s health and wellbeing.

Snoring Surgery

Surgery is an exploratory process. The very nature of what surgery is seems somewhat counterproductive to solving something like snoring, especially when there are other methods to address the issue that are much less invasive and can be just as successful. Surgery causes scarring, and because it is an exploratory process, there is no way to know what a doctor is going to encounter until they are in the process of cutting and opening up the patient. Surgery can often be the actual cause of snoring after going through a procedure such as rhinoplasty.

The truth is that surgeries performed in an effort to resolve issues with snoring have not always yielded the desired result for a large percentage of people who have had it. Surgery for snoring is not a common process, and is not as reliable as some surgical procedures that are performed on a regular basis. Because snoring is the result of tissue blocking the air passage, the surgical answer is to remove any excess tissue that may be causing the blockage.

For certain people, this may be a reasonable and acceptable answer to their snoring problem, but this is most definitely not the case for the majority of people who snore. Keep in mind that snoring is not always the source of the problem; snoring is more often, if not most often a symptom of something else in the body. The cause of an individual’s snoring issue is going to be unique and distinct to each person, therefore, there is not one simple cure-all remedy to take care of every persons snoring problem. The following page contains an example of the complexity involved with snoring and how surgery does not always address the root cause.

An Example: From Snoring to Insurance:

Let’s look at something simple and non-medical: car insurance. Let’s take 20 people who are considered bad drivers by their insurance companies. As a result of that dubious distinction, all of these drivers are going to face a premium increase of $500 when they’re insurance is renewed. Now, seen at a distance, it might appear as though all of these drivers are in the same boat (or same car, as it were). And given that assumption, a method to deal with this problem might be to simply give each of these people an extra $500 in cash. Really, as strange as that sounds, this is a way to solve this problem for each of these 20 drivers: they need to find $500 more to pay their insurance premium, and hence, that is what this so-called solution is going to do. Yet is this wise? No!

Some of those drivers – probably more than a few of them – are not going to actually correct why they might be classified as a “bad driver” by their insurance company. They simply won’t know why they’re bad drivers, and hence, some of them will likely remain a “bad driver”, and face higher insurance premiums next year – but this time after a few more accidents or tickets. As you can easily see, the real cause of the so-called “bad driving” isn’t solved when each person is given a nice gift of $500 with which to pay his or her increased insurance premium. And since the problem isn’t really solved, the bad driving can crop up again, and cause financial problems and even worse, it can endanger health and safety. So when people readily turn to trachea tissue-cutting surgery to cure their snoring, they may quite easily be overlooking the real root cause of the snoring; something that may be related to diet, sleep position, jaw or tongue dysfunction, lifestyle, genetics, or be an indication of an even more serious health problem; an indication that could be dangerously suppressed (temporarily, at least), after a seemingly successful surgery. Going to surgery as an easy, off-the cuff solution for snoring, is like giving these bad drivers $500 in cash. It may seem to solve their problem, but for many, it will just be a temporary fix; masking even deeper problems that can lead to severe consequences down the road, including Sleep Apnea.

Reasons to Deny Surgery for Snoring

Surgery is often prescribed as the first and only solution to a person who has a problem with snoring. Surgery in many cases, for different ailments, is considered as the first and only for of treatment there might be. This is not so with snoring. Where surgery can save lives and minimize suffering, it also comes with costs in addition to the finances involved. There are a multitude of reasons that surgery should not be considered due to the risks involved with surgery which include the following:

ü Post operation cosmetic effects.

ü Infection.

ü Scare tissue and inflammation.

ü Costly follow-up surgical procedures.

ü Time intensive healing process.

ü Costly drugs to ease pain and manage swelling.

ü Potential of damage to speech and tone of voice.

ü Complications with swallowing.

ü Potential seepage from wound and hemorrhaging.

ü Potential for irritating dry mouth.

ü Potential for severe pain in ears.

Overview of Surgical Procedures for Snoring

Surgery is a lifesaving tool that has saved countless lives, but in this day and age, there is a surgical procedure for just about everything. Some of these procedures can be frivolous and unnecessary. When it comes to snoring specifically, surgery is not a guaranteed solution to the problem. It is essential that anyone who deals with snoring, either directly or indirectly is aware of this when looking for a way to fix the problem. The following examples go over the common surgical procedures for snoring and how they might disappoint the patient. These examples state the name of the surgical procedure, what it is designed to do and most importantly the many ill effects that have been reported as a result of each respective procedure.

The problems listed as a result of the different surgical processes are serious. These problems range from finances to long term or permanent issues the patient may have to deal with after undergoing snoring surgery. What each of these surgeries is actually designed to do can be an absolute turn off, and when you consider the problems associated with them, the compounded effects are something to be gravely considered when there are so many other options available. Again, this is why in most cases, surgery should be considered as a last resort, if at all.

These are the risks associated with surgical procedures for snoring specifically; there are other risks that are a part of any surgical procedure; but these other kinds of issues cannot be compared to the unique set of problems that snoring creates and the different surgeries designed to fix snoring. Cost for example, is always an issue, but should be taken into account for an issue like snoring whereas for an issue like cancer, or a failing organ, the cost must be incurred to preserve and improve life. Another risk is anesthesia. Being “put under” for surgery is not always the case, but for any kind of major surgery it is the case. Having surgery performed for snoring would require this and anesthesia has been known to result in complications if not death in some instances.

Let’s look at some of the complications arising from some surgeries:

NAME OF SURGERY: Tracheostomy

DESIGNED TO: Create an opening in the trachea (sometimes this is called a tracheotomy)


ü irritating to tissues and possible scarring

ü requires follow-up surgery

ü nasal secretions can clog air pipe and lead to breathing difficulties

NAME OF SURGERY: UPPP (Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty)

DESIGNED TO: expand the airway and end snoring

ü expensive

ü may require follow-up surgery of obstruction occurs again

ü post-operation infection

ü possible speech defects

ü higher than normal hemorrhage risk

ü swallowing problems

ü not effective for Sleep Apnea

NAME OF SURGERY: LAUP (Laser Assisted Uvuloplasty)

DESIGNED TO: Uses lasers to remove uvula and obstructing tissues, without removing tonsils or lateral tissues


ü dry mouth

ü Changes to voice (to be avoided by people who require their voice to earn their living!)

ü pain in the ears

ü unpredictable success rate

ü can mask deeper problems and/or lead to new complications

NAME OF SURGERY: CAPSO (Cautery-assisted palatal stiffening operation)

DESIGNED TO: Burns the palate in order to stiffen it against vibration, and removes the mucosa along the uvula.


ü post-operation discomfort and pain

ü currently in experimental stages (unproven)

ü difficulty predicting if surgery will be successful

ü expensive

Aside from these examples, there are other new kinds of snore specific surgeries that have been developed which include somnoplasty and snoreplasty. These procedures are new and as yet unproven to have any kind of reliable success rate in addition to not knowing what any long tem effects may arise from these kinds of surgeries for snoring.

In general surgery is a good thing, a very good thing; but this does not mean that surgery is the best step to take when looking to resolve an issue with snoring. To be clear; there are cases where surgery is absolutely the best possible solution for a person suffering from snoring and the positive effects resound just like the negative ones did when snoring was causing loss of sleep and all the negative health issues and frames of mind that go along with that.

Luckily there are other options available. Non-surgical answers to snoring abound, some of these remedies have been around for a long time, while others are relatively new. These less invasive steps to alleviating snoring are where the majority of relief from snoring comes from. Countless people use these alternative methods with great success around the world, making it easier for them and those around them to sleep and feel good which we will now take a look at.


Non-Surgical Solutions to Snoring

Having already gone over the surgical aspects of snoring, the risks and procedures; we now turn our attention to the more common approaches to dealing with snoring. The non-surgical options for resolution of snoring can be broken down into different types of approaches: medicines, devices and appliances, changes in lifestyle concerning diet and exercise, sleeping habits and alternative forms of therapy for snoring. Any of these can be implemented with success depending on the root cause of the snoring, and knowing what that root cause is. This may require a combination approach, and will definitely require observation of the effects of these measures on the snoring issue itself in order to estimate how much relief results.

Medicinal Solutions

In many cases, prescribed medicines can provide a way out of the snoring nightmare. Drugs are prescribed to achieve relief from snoring by accomplishing these tasks:

ü Unfurl the nasal airway.

ü Energize breathing.

ü Counteract deep R.E.M. sleep (Rapid Eye Movement).

R.E.M. sleep is an integral part of sleep. It is the deep state of sleep in which the body recoups vitality and allows the mind to stay sharp and healthy. The effect of these snore related drugs is to limit the depths to which the body can relax when in this state so as to keep the throat from relaxing too much and keeping the air passage open and free of obstruction thus leading to relief from snoring. Basically these medicines have the opposite effect of what happens when someone takes a sedative or has too much to drink. These things relax a person more than usual and can exacerbate an existing snoring problem, or cause a person who does not normally snore to do so.

There are over the counter drugs available from pharmacies intended specifically to clear nasal sinuses and air passages. These drugs are meant to treat cold or flu symptoms, but are also useful to snorers for the decongestive and antihistamine properties contained therein. Saline sprays, because they are sold in pharmacies as well are considered part of the same group. These sprays are not controlled substances, buy merely salt water used to keep sinuses and other tissues surrounding the air passages moist in an effort to reduce or eliminate vibration and thusly snoring.

Devices for Snoring

There are a number of Snoring Devices out there to help people cope with their snoring. These items start with very basic items and go to the very complex. Most of these can be acquired at your local drugstore, on the internet and by catalogue. The most popular and effective anti-snore items follow.

The Sandler Pillow™

Named after the inventor of this type of pillow, The Sandler Pillow is a device designed to eliminate snoring by obliging the sleeper to sleep on their side. This often promotes a closed mouth while sleeping and helps to minimize vibration and thereby cancels out any snoring.

The Snore Ball

Since its invention in the early 1900’s The Snow Ball is an effective device which has helped countless people to stop snoring by sleeping on their side. The snore ball is inserted in a pouch located on the back of a set of pajamas. When the sleeper goes to roll onto their back from sleeping on their side, the device makes this very uncomfortable, so the sleeper will resume the side sleeping position rather than sleeping on their back which is when most people snore. The snore ball can be any kind of ball that will create enough discomfort to keep one from sleeping on their back. Over time a habit is formed making the ball unnecessary.

Sleep Position Monitor

This electronic device basically accomplishes the same goal in a different manner. Instead of creating physical discomfort when a person lies on their back, which is when snoring occurs, the Sleep Position Monitor starts to beep when the sleeper lies on their back. The beeping can be disturbing to others, but the point is that this device helps establish new sleeping behaviors. Anyone who has suffered a person snoring can deal with a little beeping until the problem is resolved. By learning a better way to sleep, the person will stop snoring and the beeping will not be an issue over time. Eventually the sleep position monitor may not be necessary either.

Nasal Strips

The Nasal Strips refer to a simple yet highly effective device that has become popular for many people. The concept is basic, open up the nostrils to make breathing easier. The device consists of a springy plastic strip combined with and adhesive material. The strip is put on at bedtime and taken off in the morning. The strips are so effective in maximizing breathing through the nose that they are used by many players of different sports. This is an over the counter remedy that anyone can use because there is absolutely no medicine involved. Even non snorers are using them to get better more restful sleep by breathing easier and recharging their body with more oxygen.

Nasal Dilators

Nasal Dilators offer the same relief of opening up the nostrils to ease breathing, but take a slightly different approach than the nasal strips. This kind of device is actually a coil made of steel or plastic placed into the nostrils when going to sleep. The effect is easier breathing, less snoring.

Throat Sprays

Throat Sprays is another way to combat snoring. A simple spray to the back of the throat keeps the tissues well lubed in order to reduce or eliminate vibration. This is similar to a saline spray, the difference is what the spray consists of which in this case are specialized oils, not just salt water. Throat sprays are another form of simple, inexpensive, yet effective of combating snoring when used properly. Overuse of throat sprays can irritate the throat and then actually cause snoring. If an over the counter spray is not good enough, a doctor can prescribe a more effective version of the same implement.

Snore Stopper™

The Snore Stopper is a device that provides a negative association with snoring to make the person sleeping stop snoring. The device can be worn on the arm or the wrist and whenever snoring is detected the device gives the sleeper a small jolt of electricity to get them to stop. Another version actually causes the tongue muscles to tense which opens the airway making it easier to breathe and hence stop snoring.

Snoring Appliances

Snoring appliances are applied inside the mouth to directly influence or affect the components of the mouth to eliminate snoring. These work to manipulate the tongue, jaw and palate in some combination to stop snoring and provide better rest.

Oral Appliances

These sets of tools are often designed by medical and dental professionals to help with the snoring dilemma. They have different names such as The Equalizer™ and The Silencer™. By influencing the parts of the mouth these devices affect three basic properties to eliminate snoring; they are:

ü Keeping the mouth closed so that a person may not snore by making the trachea vibrate.

ü Positioning the jaw in a forward placement to keep the tongue from sliding back and blocking the airway.

ü Opening the airway as much as possible to ease breathing and prevent snoring.

Tongue Retaining Appliances

This style of appliance specifically targets the tongue. The effect of this appliance keeps the tongue forward by using suction to train the tongue not to lay back over the airway. This increases airflow making it easier to breathe and preventing the vibration that causes snoring. A tongue retainer is for people who cannot or will not sleep on their side, and although a tongue retainer may be less than comfortable, it is a highly effective option.

Mandibular Advancement Appliances

Shortened to MAA, this is a splint style of appliance that are basically like a mouth guard used in sports. This keeps the jaw locked in a position that keeps it from moving back and creating an obstruction that leads to snoring. These must be custom molded by a dental professional and may be somewhat costly but are a great way to stop snoring.

Thronton Adjustable Positioners

The Silencer™ is a popular example of this kind of device, which was created by Dr. Thronton in the 1990’s. This is an expensive option, but for a reason; it is adjustable and is sometimes crafted from titanium. These are often referred to as TAPs, and are similar in nature to MAAs in that they move the jaw forward in order to keep the airway open and prevent snoring.

Palate Lifters

Also known as lip shields, or lip lifters, this appliance augments the palate to keep from vibrating and causing a person to snore. This is an option to consider, although there has yet to be a resolute opinion in the efficiency of this type of appliance.

Continuous Positive Airway Pressure

This appliance is designed to tackle Sleep Apnea specifically. It works similar to an oxygen mask. The mask is worn on the face, or over the nose and keeps what is called positive pressure in the airway which prevents the collapse of tissue and eases breathing to the point of controlling ones blood pressure while asleep.

Lifestyles and Snoring – Diet



Allergies have been linked to snoring, but because there are so many allergens, and each person is different, it is up to the individual to observe when they are snoring and what they are allergic to. Any kind of allergic reaction can lead to snoring, so when you are suffering from allergies, whether they a food allergies or pet, you need to take notice and take the appropriate measures to handle these allergies.


If you are overweight and snore, you can bet that your snoring is at least in part related to your obesity. Losing weight has a wide variety of health benefits, including better sleep by not snoring. This has to do with your diet and eating habits, so if you shape up, you may stop snoring altogether.

Eating Habits

Certain foods cause congestion, like dairy, fried foods, junk food and sweets. If you snore, your diet probably has something to do with it. Eating a healthier diet can improve your health as well as minimize if not alleviate any snoring. There are foods that are considered to be beneficial for people who snore, which consist mostly of leafy greens.

Clean Living

Your habits can determine whether or not you will snore. Healthy habits actually prevent snoring. Drinking and sleeping pills are known to cause snoring; use these in moderation. If you smoke and you snore, chances are quitting will help you sleep better by not snoring. Caffeine has been linked to respiratory issues, so keep your intake to a minimum.


Lifestyles and Snoring – Exercise & Sleep Factors


Exercise in general is good for the body, and helps to achieve more restful sleep. Healthy habits help prevent to minimize snoring, but there are snoring specific exercises one can do.

Throat Work Out

Toning the muscles of the throat can really improve the breathing process when sleeping, thus helping with snoring if not eradicating it all together. There are a few options to stress the muscles systems that affect snoring. You can firmly hold a pencil between your teeth for up to five minutes. Pressing a finger to the chin with moderate pressure for a few minutes builds jaw strength. Also holding the tip of the tongue firmly against the bottom front teeth strengthens the tongue. These are exercises that can be done anytime, anywhere. These should not be painful, and the more these exercises are implemented, the better the results will be.

Sleep Factors

One needs to consider the way in which one sleeps and how that affects the way you breathe at night. Sleeping on your back promotes snoring, but having a good pillow, or sleeping with something under the chin can help to stop snoring. Anything to keep the mouth shut during sleep is a big help. Your sleep environment plays a role in snoring too. A humidifier will help keep the throat and sinuses moist, and making the room as dark and quiet as possible helps to reduce stress, and calm the person sleeping to the point that breathing becomes easier.


Snoring Therapy Alternatives

Here are some other approaches one can try when dealing with snoring; these have been around for some time because of how successful they have been in combating snoring. A warm drink before bed; herbal tea can really help alleviate snoring. Relaxation techniques to calm the mind and practice breathing techniques like Tai Chi and Yoga have been of great benefit to many snorers. Other forms of relaxation include meditation and massage, or even just soothing music. Homeopathic medicines offer many ways to deal with snoring too. These include products like Snore Stop™ and Y-Snore™. Homeopathic alternatives look to achieve the same end result in different ways, such as dissolving blockages in the nose and throat or lubrication with natural products. Magnetic therapy is popular in china and can help ameliorate snoring by affecting the nerves found in the nose. Magnets can be put all over the body to achieve results that improve issues with snoring. This applies even to weight loss which can in turn affect snoring. Even hypnosis has been used to help control snoring by some, although many are skeptical of this practice as it is not a recognized successful solution to snoring. Other more “alternative” therapies are based on light and color, or in other circumstances gems and crystals as sources of healing power. These latter examples have yet to be established as effective by science or medicine, but the power of belief can be enough to produce the placebo effect. So as long as the end result is the cessation of snoring, any means can be tried and tested to see if they work for a given individual.

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Wednesday, 20 July 2022

How To Beat Kim Kardashian's Baby Weight Loss Record: Get Your Looks Back Dramatically After Pregnancy

Women should look up to Kim Kardashian, a well-known tevision personality with a good global fan base, as one of the best examples when it comes to personal care, particularly in the special area of weight loss. Her exceptional ability to overcome the challenge of returning to her stunning looks after pregnancy, which most women throughout the world are unable to do, is one particular area of praise. A woman's mental and psychological well-being might suffer greatly if she doesn't deal with her postpartum weight, particularly if she works in a profession that puts her in the public eye.

Let's take a few cues from the celebrity's approach to losing baby weight, then.

How Did She Lose Baby Weight?

Kim Kardashian is credited with losing her baby weight after giving birth to
North in 2013 by exerting her mind and consistency into it. Her baby weight loss program included the following "musts":

In addition to being rumored to have been taking Garcinia cambogia weight loss pills and drinking green coffee, she is said to have written down her goals and adhered to them religiously. She is also said to have increased the amount of protein in her diet by eating six ounces of protein at every meal, minimized her intake of sugar and starches, tried meal replacement shakes that help boost metabolism, consumed only healthy fats, and made good use of fruit and vegetables. 

In 2016, the reported that Kardashian had gained 60 pounds while pregnant with her son, Saint, and that she had set a weight loss goal of 70 pounds. Four months later, she disclosed that she had dramatically shed 42 pounds, making good progress toward her desired weight in order to start fitting back into her regular size of clothing.

Knowledge, Rules, Discipline, and Consistency

Your main takeaway from the foregoing should be that for Kardashian to be successful in weight loss programs to lose baby fat and get back into celebrity form, she ultimately seems to focus on knowledge, rules, discipline, and steadfast consistency. All of this serves to demonstrate what learning, combined with effort and a maximum level of constant commitment, can accomplish in any challenge, even eliminating baby fat. It is important to be knowledgeable about what to do in case you are faced with any obstacle, including the baby fat. While Kardashian's health management plan may not be the blueprint for everyone, it does demonstrate the fact that it is essential to be prepared if you must overcome challenges.

So, “what to do about your baby fat after your joyous baby delivery” is the essence of this post. My points below are not Kim Kardashian endorsed, but your adherence to them will go a long way in helping you get rid of the baby weight faster than usual and achieve celebrity looks in no time. It will surely pay off if you keep reading the following 5 things you must know to lose baby fat quickly:


1. Breastfeeding

Many women who have recently given birth are always interested in attempting to loose some of that extra weight that traditionally accompanies having a baby. What many of these women do not entirely realize is the fact that breast-feeding can not only help provide the baby with essential vitamins and nutrients, but can also help in the weight-loss process.

For example, the average mother will utilize somewhere between 500 calories and 800 calories a day producing milk for the baby. Not only will the baby receive the health and nutrition that it needs, but it may also enable a woman to lose baby fat a lot faster.

As you can probably already imagine, it is a lot easier to say that going to the gym and cutting back on the amount of food that one needs is the easiest path to losing weight. That being said, it's not really a practical option for many new mothers. There are a lot of responsibilities associated with having a baby which require a great deal of focus and effort.

There's certainly nothing wrong with trying to eat healthy food and attempting to engage in some type of exercise on a regular basis. However, the point is that breast-feeding can really augment a new mother’s effort to lose weight. Remember, as mentioned a moment ago, between 500 calories in 800 calories a day are often consumed in the process of creating the milk that will be fed to the baby.

Something that a lot of new mothers often times do is try to interact with other new mothers who find themselves dealing with a variety of similar challenges. One of those challenges is losing some of the extra weight that is acquired as a result of the pregnancy. Women often times find it a lot easier to lose weight when they are able to communicate their peers and anxieties with other women and to support each other as they go about the process of shedding the extra pounds put on during pregnancy.

In this regard, breast-feeding is a wonderful tool because he really doesn't require any extra effort. It's just something that naturally happens. In addition to breastfeeding, taking walks and making an effort to eat low-fat food can really start to make a difference. As always, if in doubt, speak your doctor to make sure that you are doing what is best for your health as well as that of your new baby.


2. Drink Plenty of Water

Drinking plenty of water is something else that can dramatically help a new mother lose weight. How is this possible? And to be realistic, how much weight can actually be lost using this method? Let's dig into this issue: 

The very first thing you need to understand is that water has no calories whatsoever. We are not talking about special water that you might buy at a grocery store that contains sugar or other additives which contain calories. The water we are referring to is the basic water that can come right from the tap. You may be wondering why it is significant that water has no calories. When you stop and think about it, we all need to drink something. Why drink a beverage that contains calories if your goal is to lose baby fat? Most medical studies have strongly suggested that the overwhelming majority of people will get all the hydration that they need from water. You don't need to drink sugary sodas to become hydrated.

This raises the question of whether or not diet soda is a suitable alternative to water. After all, the amount of calories contained in diet soda can be extremely low. What you need to remember is that a lot of scientists have concluded that your body performs better and is less likely to develop problems related to excess weight when you drink water. In addition, there are a lot of artificial sweeteners that are used in various types of soft drinks. This could have a negative impact on your baby, assuming that you are breast-feeding.

Drinking water is not enough. You need to also make sure that you have the type of lifestyle that will help you lose weight and keep it off. Considering the fact that you are a relatively new mother, it may not really be practical for you to be spending a lot of time at the gym or otherwise carefully following a very detailed diet. However, it really helps if you can do a little bit of exercise every day. This can have a dramatic impact on your ability to lose weight in conjunction with drinking plenty of water and eating reasonable portions.

In the final analysis, women who are interested in losing weight after giving birth to a baby need to take a multidimensional approach to solving the problem. This will include drinking plenty of water, getting some exercise, and eating well. Doing all these things will produce remarkable results.


3. Eat Well

Next, many women who are interested in losing baby fat after giving birth will sometimes make the classic mistake of cutting back on the amount of food that they consume in a manner that is unhealthy. In other words, it can actually be counterproductive to eat dramatically less amounts of food if you are truly interested in losing weight.

The reason why this can be so problematic is because your body will automatically detect that an unusually lower amount of calories are being consumed. This will typically result in a situation whereby your metabolism will slow down. In essence, your body becomes far more efficient at being able to process the calories you do consume and restricts the amount of calories that are burned throughout the day.

What this basically means for a new mother is that she will not experience the type of weight loss she is expecting. By cutting back too much on the amount of food that is being consumed, a woman who has just given birth can not only be potentially affecting the health of her baby - assuming she is breast-feeding a baby - but it is also causing a situation whereby her body will not shed as much weight as she thinks it will.

Other downsides associated with restricting the amount of calories you consume include feeling tired, cranky, and not really having the energy to do things. This also includes not really having sufficient amounts of energy to partake in reasonable amounts of exercise that all health experts agree to be very beneficial to losing weight.

The real solution in a situation like this is to make sure that you are eating well. This is not to suggest that you should eat a bunch of junk food or otherwise mistreat yourself by consuming vast quantities of food that really have nothing to do with making sure that you are getting sufficient calories, vitamins, minerals. The idea here is to instead fill yourself with the calories you need but not an excessive amount of calories.

Finally, make sure that you engage in some type of exercise on a regular basis. This can be something as simple as taking walks. What few new mothers realize is that breast-feeding a baby can also help burn up to 800 calories per day. Eat well, do some exercise, and consider breast-feeding your baby. All these things will help you lose much of the extra weight that you accumulated after childbirth. .

4. Hot Yoga

I already see the raised eyebrows! However, did you know that doing hot yoga after pregnancy can not only help improve your psychological outlook, but can really have a lot of positive physical health benefits as well? Some of those positive health benefits that are physical in nature include burning fat and losing weight. As you may or may not know, bikram yoga -- also known as hot yoga -- is a type of yoga that is typically engaged upon within a very hot environment. More fundamentally, when we talk about yoga we are talking about a series of movements that help the body develop internal calmness which can be really helpful for one's mental outlook while at the same time helping to expand one's strength and flexibility.

When you combine these exercises with an incredibly warm environment -- typically around 95° -- you have a situation where a lot of calories can be burned in a relatively short amount of time. That being said, it's also important to understand that you will need to focus on doing other things that will help you lose the baby fat Some of those other things include making sure that you are eating healthy food. Never try to starve yourself. Your body will detect this and become less likely to shed calories. Actually going into stingy mode. You also want to make sure that you are doing reasonable amounts of cardiovascular exercise. While it's certainly true that hot yoga will get your heart rate higher -- it is not really a substitute for taking frequent walks that will enable your heart to get some good exercise same time burning a lot of excess calories.

Don't forget that you really need to work on your posture to improve your body image after pregnancy. Bikram yoga is a phenomenal way to not only improve your posture and body image, but it will also really help you reduce the amount of anxiety and stress to you might be experiencing in your life. Giving birth to a baby, while certainly a joyful experience, can also create a lot of anxiety and stress. You owe it to yourself to spend some time focusing on your own health and wellness.

If you have any questions about whether or not you are healthy enough to get involved with any type of yoga activity, be sure to speak to your doctor. It only takes a moment, but it helps to make sure that you're not doing anything that will harm you.


5. Relax

Finally, far too many women want to try lose the extra weight that they accumulated during their pregnancy virtually overnight. While it's certainly understandable that a woman would want to look the way she did before her pregnancy began sooner rather than later, it's important that there be a realistic outlook on this process. After all, it takes approximately 9 months to gain the weight associated with being pregnant. Do you really think it makes sense to assume that most of the baby fat can be lost in nine days or less? Of course not!

Try to really relax and view this process as being something that will take at least two months. The reason why you want to try and view this as a long -term project stems largely from the fact that women who try to lose weight quickly oftentimes find themselves feeling frustrated and upset by their apparent lack of progress. It's not progress. It's not even a question of them not making progress - they usually are progressing. But the progress is not fast enough to meet unrealistic expectations that they have put on themselves. And let us not forget you are also doing this while caring for a newborn.

One of the easiest things that you can do is to set some very basic and realistic goals for yourself. If you do not establish goals, it will be far too easy to simply drift sideways and to assume that you're not really making any progress and feel more anxious and frustrated about the entire process of losing weight after giving birth. Many medical experts indicate that losing approximately 2 pounds every seven days is reasonable for most women.

When you do the math that works out to losing approximately 16 pounds in two months. While that may not be as much weight you like to lose, you're giving yourself a realistic benchmark. If you happen to lose more weight than that, great! It should mean that baby fat is melting away! But try not to stress yourself out over the process.

What many women fail to realize is that they can typically fall victim of something called emotional eating if they find themselves feeling stressed out and anxious over the weight-loss process. No woman wants to find herself in a situation whereby she feels so stressed out and anxious because that does the very thing which will sabotage your efforts - eating excessive amounts of food.

So as this process is approached, try to relax and realize that it's going to take some time to lose that baby fat.


The Latest Weight Loss Food Breakthrough


An EASY Way to Burn Fat and Look Amazing!

No doubt, the right food taken in the right quantiles and at right times can promote weight loss or maintain your desired weight, However, it may not always be possible to get all the required foods at the time you need to take them. Hence comes the need to consider alternatives.

When it comes to weight loss, there is no better alternative to weight loss-related foods than supplements, the most convenient of which are weight loss pills. Including weight loss vitamins in your weight reduction plan will help you achieve your goals a lot faster. Pharmaceutical supplements must be avoided at all costs. Herbal is the way to go if you want to be healthier. Proven supplements that have been confirmed to be natural, clean, and safe but with amazing results are as follows: 

Picture the body you want but without the work!


Chlorogen800, a cutting-edge natural supplement for both men and women, gives you that option - of choosing between quick weight loss with no need for modifications to diet and exercise, or more "expedited" results, for a striking physique. This is due to the fact that Chlorogen800 is essentially the same supplement as the green coffee bean extract supplement used in a ground-breaking study released in 2012, which revealed:

17lbs of weight LOST!

10% overall body weight REDUCED!

4.4% overall body fat BURNED!

That’s because Chlorogen800 is a pure, all-natural, easy weight loss magic.

 is produced entirely of natural materials. It is a dual-step weight management pill that helps to balance essential metabolic hormones like cortisol and leptin in your body for improved weight management, making weight management uncomplicated for both men and women. The functioning of metabolic hormones are disrupted when they are out of balance. As a result, you will have a stronger hunger and have less energy. This solution aids in the balance of these hormones, allowing for optimal weight management. Tetrogen is also jitter-free and stimulant-free, containing no fillers or harsh substances in favor of pure and strong components, making it extremely safe and beneficial to your health.

Keep in mind that weight reduction supplements will not provide you with the best outcomes on their own. They must discover that your body is sticking to the entire weight-loss method we are discussing in this text as you take them. Your eating habits and lifestyle must adapt to fit your weight-loss goals.

You will find further graphically detailed weight loss tips in reading our article Overnight WeightLoss. 

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