Tuesday 16 June 2020

Symptoms of Low Testosterone

….And The Remedy

You may cringe a little when guys mention symptoms of low Testosterone. That's assuming you're open to discussing them with other men - low T symptoms range from the invisible to things that might truly shock you, like larger breasts and smaller testicles. Did you know that?

warning signs you have low testosterone levels

Picture credit craiglewis.com

Does It Really Matter To Know?

Well, being “in the know” about symptoms of an important health condition is as vital as taking meals and water every day. If there is an area of life where the saying that “knowledge is power” holds thick water, it is in the area of health as related to the value of testosterone. Without this knowhow, you are dead in the water especially as you grow beyond the age of 40.  Hence knowing the symptoms of low testosterone is an advantage fundamental to your very health and happiness, and let me overload you with that advantage now. Please, read on…

Yes, low Testosterone can actually shrink your balls and cause other symptoms that can make you feel like less of a man. But you're not powerless here. Let's review why some men get the uglier symptoms of low T and what they can do about it - and what you can do too.

Testosterone is the Man Hormone

You're already familiar with the ABCs of testosterone. It's the most famous androgen, or male sex hormone. Among other things, it deepens your voice and puts hair on your chest. Testosterone helps you build muscles and fuels your sex drive. In fact, it even contributes to your penis size and famously helps you get wood. Ever heard that truth?

Most of your testosterone comes from the testicles, though it's made in smaller amounts by the adrenal glands. And your pituitary gland plays a role too, by releasing luteinizing hormone (LT) when testosterone gets low. This tells the testicles to get with the program and make more of this manliest of hormones.

Testosterone is low when you're a boy. Then 'the change' happens and you go through puberty. That's when you'll first get body hair and your voice gets deep. And your sex drive...well, you know what happens then.

Symptoms of Low Testosterone

Each man is different, but testosterone tends to peak between age 30 and 40. After that it tapers off, generally at 10% each decade. That's when you may start noticing these symptoms, which may get worse if you don't do something about them:

  •       Erectile Dysfunction: What is erectile dysfunction? It is a       condition where a man cannot get or maintain an erection good   enough for sexual intercourse. It may cause a lot of stress, lower   self esteem and relationship/marriage tension.
  •     Lower Sex Drive - This is simply low libido and can be caused    by a number of factors ranging from diet to some illnesses and      many other lifestyle factors.
  •         Weight Gain – leading to obesity and related factors.
  •      Loss of Muscle – reduction of muscle mass and may cause        difficulties with some relevant physical activities including gym workouts.
  •       Smaller, Softer Testicles - This is clearly the reduction in both      size and power of your testicles. 
  •       Larger Breasts - Undue enlargement of breasts
  •      Thinner Bones - Reduced bone density, a condition that may   
  •      predispose to low resistance against pressure or impact.
  •       Hair Loss – loss of hair on the body
  •      Tiredness – the body feeling tired most of the time.
  •      Low Semen Volume – Evident reduction in the amount of          flowing  semen.


There's more where that came from too. Testosterone also regulates your mood and your relationships with others. Low T can lead to depression and feelings of worthlessness in addition to tiredness, poor memory, weight gain and heart disease. Some evidence suggests low T may lead to osteoporosis as well. Despite what you've heard, men are not immune to bone fractures and loss of bone mass.

How to Diagnose Low Testosterone

Most testosterone in your blood is bound to a hormone called sex hormone binding gloobulin (SHBG). Testosterone that is NOT bound to SHBG is called 'Free Testosterone', which can lead to sex problems and is even linked to kidney damage. 'Total Testosterone' is as the name implies. It's all testosterone, including free testosterone and that bound by SHBG.

Doctor supporting relative of dying patient

The average man has 270 to 1070 ng/dL (9-38 nmol/L) of total testosterone. His free testosterone should be 50-210 pg/mL (174-729 pmol/L). Below that and he's flirting with low T.

You'll need a doctor to diagnose low T. He'll do that with a blood test, possibly done in the morning, when testosterone levels tend to be highest of the day.

TestRX is Designed to Boost Testosterone Naturally

Obviously your next hot question is: how do you boost testosterone naturally? You've got several options to fight low testosterone. They're typically forms of synthetic testosterone (hormone replacement therapy), taken as shots, gels or patches, tablets or even pellets injected under your butt cheeks.

But some men (and doctors) hesitate to do hormone replacement therapy because of the adverse effects it may come with - and that's why many guys now opt to address low T with TestRX natural testosterone booster.

Unlike synthetic testosterone, TestRX is not a drug. Instead, it's formulated with natural ingredients like tongkat ali. Talking of the tonkat ali component, you may want to ask: what is tongkat ali? You should be happy to know that it is a herbal supplement which for many centuries has had a traditional backround in Southeast Asia. It has been extensively used in the treatment of erectile dysfunction among other uses. It is extracted from the Eurycoma Longifolia plant, Long Jack complex with Tribulus. This and other power packed ingredients enable TestRX to stimulate higher testosterone levels naturally without any known side effects.

Just think of it as a gentle awakening - a coaxing of your body to start making more testosterone with natural ingredients. You'll feel the difference and see it too, with bigger muscles and erections that come more frequently.

All guys are different, and this is not to say that all men should use TestRX to address low T. But it's no coincidence that more guys are turning to TestRX, and feel more complete for doing just that. The entire host of users includes athletes, action movie stars, military personnel, pilots, truck drivers, musicians and a host of many others who are constantly working on physical stamina, mental alertness, a high sex drive and a general feeling of youthful well being. When you see some celebrities hitting the age defying hard grind with remarkable speed and top action well into their 60s and 70s to leave you totally awe stricken, then you know that their number one enabling factor is likely to be TestRX. Otherwise, their astonishing and most entertaining yet physically demanding escapades would be against the flow of nature and therefore conventionally impossible or at least unsafe. Ambitious men with far reaching goals will stop at nothing to get whatever can safely enhance their positivity, confidence and high gear performance. The result is health, wealth and a happy longer life, naturally.


Another Testosterone Boosting Supplement

Where TestRX is not readily available, you can get the same results by making use of Prescribed for Life Chrysin, a very effective testosterone supplement which can promote healthy testosterone levels, is good for liver support, offers brain health protection and is of course very helpful for body building. 

A Little Touch Of Exercise

While TestRX shows remarkable results even without expensive gym work outs, an addition of at least some mild exercise program would get you far. After all, the necessity of exercise is validated by the fact that it has a way of adding to long life.

Scientific evidence suggests that what affects the body affects the mind, and vice versa. When the body is sick, the mind may function poorly; and when the mind is sick even the body suffers. When both mind and body are sound, life rolls like a charm. And so, when your dear body is affected by a low level of testosterone, your brain may suffer too. And with the brain being the very centre of your entire body functions, the need to maintain good testosterone is unquestionably of critical importance; just like the need for all other healthy lifestyle factors.

That explains the need for us to mind how we tend our physical health. But, sadly, many cherish health habits which in turn affect not only their physical capacity but also their sexual capacity negatively. If we all had enough discipline to live healthy lifestyles, it would surprise the world what we are all capable of.

The fantastic benefits of good testosterone in the body must be balanced with physical activity, just like any ordinary food supplements or medicine must be accompanied by physical activity. You are doing yourself a lot of harm if you simply lead a life devoid of any physical exercise.

Why Is Exercise Important?

Exercise is important as it relieves of mental tensions and improves one’s confidence. Furthermore, it gives you a stronger body, sharper brains and a fulfilling sexual health experience. Research suggests that exercise can improve cognitive function, slow down mental aging and enhance mental performance. It also has a positive bearing on your muscle strength and body endurance as it works to improve your energy levels. In addition, a consistent physical activity program can reduce your risk of Alzheimer’s in older life and also arrest mental deterioration and memory loss.

It therefore follows that a good flow of testosterone in your body, combined with at least mild exercises like walking, can set you on a rock of high advantage in many ways only dreamt of by those without the necessary knowledge.

So, there you are! If you are disadvantaged due to low T, it’s not the end of the road whatever your age. You can overload your advantage and roll back into your favorite activities with remarkable pleasure as TestRX has proven to work wonders.

Let us Talk About It More

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Let us Talk About It More

You are welcome to leave your comments below on this most important issue of our dear lives. You can also subscribe to enable notification of more upcoming posts of life enhancing value.

You can check out TestRX here

Thursday 4 June 2020

You Are What You Know

You Are What You Know
In a magnificent expression of indisputable reality, former South Korean President Kim Ill Sung stated an eternal fact of deathless beauty when he said: “True Intellectuals are not those with degrees and diplomas, but those with knowledge essential for life.”

Woman in Black Shirt Using MacbookIn other words, whichever way you achieve it, knowledge is power. It is power to achieve health and happiness, pass examinations, defeat enemies, make money, climb the corporate ladder, enjoy marriage, enjoy sex life, etc. Hence, when you are knowledgeable, you are at an advantage. Loaded with advantages!

This blog is called The Advantage Overload because it is especially loaded with information to give you a competitive advantage to help you scale through life’s challenges in these endless troublesome times and still emerge with a smile regardless of your age. 

The best way to be advantage overloaded is “to know”.  As in “survival of the fittest”, it’s “survival of the advantaged” or “survival of the knowledgeable”. Today if you are disadvantaged due to ignorance, you may die just like if you are unfit for lack of exercise. Conversely, when you are “in the know”, you can thrive. Ignorance is no defense. It has sent people to prison, produced failures, lost games, lost money, lost marriages, sent people to hospital and others to the early grave.

Whichever way you look at this, the happiest people in any endeavor are those who know something beneficial. When you are in the know, you can be healthy, make money,  manage your weight, live longer, have a stress free old age, enjoy great sex life, raise your kids well, pass examinations, get a great job, close top sales, etc. Life simply becomes more manageable at any age and in any part of the world. 

People are constantly seeking easier ways to success & money. Others are looking for the better way of taking care of their health in view of the ever increasing statistics of death pronouncing ailments such as diabetes, cancer, etc. More are after “how to pass examinations” information and much more life-changing advice. But how can people achieve all these needs? There is only one way: you must be "in the know".

It's only people with “know-how” who get to some point of satisfaction or success. That know-how comes through many avenues and I will analyze them in the upcoming posts on this blog (you will be advantaged if you subscribe for update notifications). 

One sure fire way to be in the know is to read widely because, as they say, “reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body”. Children must be inculcated with a reading culture early in life and the results will please the parent immeasurably. In a brilliant show of advisory wisdom, Charles W. Eliot said, Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers.”

Readers Are Leaders
The greatest men on earth have been great readers. They say “Leaders are Readers and Readers are Leaders”. Factual, isn’t it? 

Abraham Lincoln is widely regarded as the wisest President the USA has ever had and over 2,500 volumes plus thousands other papers in the Library of Congress are written about him. Wasn’t he a great reader from childhood? Dr. Ben Carson, the world’s best Neurosurgeon, says he was less than average in class in his childhood but picked up with better grades after his mother caused him to read plenty books and he grew up with a great reading culture. Bill Gates, one of the world’s richest individuals, with his entire busy schedule, continues to be a great book reader to this day. The list of great men associated with a reading culture is endless.

In these adverse times, people are increasingly breaking their backs trying to beat the stress of the troublesome times affecting nations worldwide. Among the obvious interventions people ought to exploit is to read, read, and read more through a lifelong consistent reading culture. That means over the rest of your life, you will read all sorts of books depending on what you want to know or to achieve; and I come fast in the bargain with The Advantage Overload, presenting the precious gems of knowledge pregnant with the very do's and don’ts of life as we know it. I am aiming to help make life better through imparting advantageous knowledge to readers.

What Are The Best Books To Read Right Now?
Obviously, your next question would be “what are the best books to read for one to be ‘in the know’ and tread better on life’s rugged pathway”?
Well, there are many great books out there. I have pointed out below 7 of the best ones covering the most important aspects of life from childhood to death. They are written by no nonsense authors who have experienced what they write about or are witnesses of advantaged legends.

1. The World's Fittest Book: How to train For Anything And Everything, Anywhere And Everywhere is set to become every fitness enthusiast's bible. Dubbed the body's complete user guide, it will become the go-to resource for learning all you need to know about building muscle, losing fat, eating (healthy) cake and unlocking your superhuman physical potential.

Packed with workouts the author tried and tested in the pursuit of multiple world records, it's more than a book, it's the greatest training tool ever written! Designed for anyone who wants to make permanent and lasting changes to their food and fitness, it's the first book to combine the teachings, tips and tricks of Olympic and World Champions into one, easy to follow resource.

This literary masterpiece will show you how easily possible it is to:

Ø Live below 10% body fat with the aid of chocolate and Mayan secrets.
Ø Add 27% more muscle mass, courtesy of tips from world heavyweight champions.
Ø Increase speed by 10%, thanks to gold medal winning Olympic sprinters.
Ø Squat, deadlift and bench weights you never dreamed of lifting, with the guidance of the world's strongest men.
Ø Improve endurance capacity by 60%, thanks to the knowledge of world champions in multi endurance-based sports.

...all of which the author has achieved during the 10-year 'Fitness Pilgrimage' that has taken him around the globe.

Aiming to be the most eclectic and comprehensive fitness guide ever created, The World's Fittest Book is the sum and substance of over a decade of research and the collective wisdom of some of the greatest minds and athletic bodies in history. By learning the lessons within it, readers will understand 'fitness' better than the vast majority of the population. Every chapter will have an easy to digest workout within it and can be read individually. But if you want to read the stories and the science behind the routines, that's there too.

Until now, there hasn't been a book covering such an ambitious range of areas, catering for the casual fitness enthusiast seeking clarity and guidance in their own gym routine and kitchen habits as well as the seasoned sportsperson who's hit a plateau and is searching for tips, tricks and tweaks they can make to their training and diet. This book changes that, and will take you on a journey to whatever level of fitness you want to find.

2. The Big Book Of Health And Fitness: A Practical Guide to Diet, Exercise, Healthy Aging, Illness Prevention, and Sexual Well Being.Taking control of your health and well-being is a necessary and personal journey. From teens and parents fighting obesity in America, to aging baby boomers refusing to go quietly into the dark night—everyone can stay fit, healthy, and active for many years to come! This book lays out a sensible and holistic road map that makes health and fitness an ingrained part of your lifestyle, and an easy-to-achieve goal for both men and women at any age.

For more than three decades, the author, Dr. Philip Maffetone has been treating and advising patients, coaching athletes, lecturing worldwide, and writing books about the importance of self-health care. Topics covered in his latest book include how to make healthy dietary choices, obtain the best nutrition from real food, avoid illness and disease, and learn to listen to your body. Also learn the dangers of common dietary supplements, fat-burning exercise for weight loss, reducing stress, controlling inflammation, having a healthy and fulfilling sex life, and much more. Maffetone expertly guides the reader step by step through each topic and provides simple health surveys to help you better understand how the body works and what to safely do if a problem or symptom arises during your fitness or dietary regimen.

3. Magnificent Sex: Lessons from Extraordinary Lovers. What makes sex magnificent? What are the qualities of extraordinary erotic intimacy and what are the elements that help to bring it about? Is great sex the stuff that people remember nostalgically from the "honeymoon" phase of their relationships, or can sex improve over time?
Magnificent Sex is based on the largest, in-depth interview study ever conducted with people who are having extraordinary sex. It gathers the nuggets for remarkable sex from the "experts", distilling them into an attainable blueprint for ordinary lovers who want to make erotic intimacy grow over the course of a lifetime. Looking at factors including individual and relational qualities, empathic communication and the myths and realities of magnificent sex, this book offers accessible and evidence-based guidance for lovers and therapists alike.
This illuminating book explores the implications of the findings to develop a model that effectively tackles the common problems of low desire and frequency. The "cure" for low desire is to create desirable sex!
4. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change, named the #1 book of the twentieth century and having sold over 20 million copies from the time it was published in 1990, this book still maintains bestseller status. 

Author, Stephen R. Covey, an internationally respected leadership authority, presents a holistic, integrated, principle-centered approach for solving personal and professional problems. With penetrating insights and pointed anecdotes, Covey reveals a step-by-step pathway for living with fairness, integrity, service, and human dignity--principles that give us the security to adapt to change and the wisdom and power to take advantage of the opportunities that change creates.

5.  Extraordinary People With Disabilities Here with author Deborah Kent’s sombre yet thrilling and motivating accounts of how physically challenged people have made it in grand style, making able bodied people wonder why they cannot also strike it like success! Real-life stories of struggle, achievement and victory, and sometimes loss. 

The Extraordinary People Series is the perfect piece for those who want to succeed despite living under less privileged circumstances while it is a perfect starter for knowledge enthusiasts who want to know more about the people who shaped their world, focusing on the unique histories of people from every culture and every walk of life. If the physically challenged nailed some near superhuman achievements in ways the world can learn from, why not you?

Jeff Bezos: An Extraordinary Life: Follow The Journey, The Lessons, The Rules for Success by [Mark Smith]6. Jeff Bezos: An Extraordinary Life: Follow The Journey, The Lessons, The Rules for Success. If you’re looking for inspiration to open your own business, amass a vast amount of wealth or simply to become the best person you can be, reading about the life of the world’s richest man is not a bad place to start. 

Jeff Bezos is the founder and CEO of the online giant Amazon.com, as well as the owner of the Washington Post and the founder of space exploration company Blue Origin. From a young age, Bezos showed a natural curiosity towards computers and turned his parents’ garage into a laboratory where he set up science experiments and projects. Since these early beginnings, Bezos has had a string of successes. 

He graduated from Princeton University in computer science and electrical engineering and then went on to work at Wall Street, becoming the youngest senior Vice President of the investment firm, D. E. Shaw. Four years later, he quit to set up Amazon.com, currently one of the world’s largest and most successful dot.com companies. In September 2018, Amazon.com was valued at an incredible one trillion dollars. If you want to discover the story behind Bezos’ extraordinary success, this book takes you on a journey from his childhood to how he became one of the world’s richest and most successful businessmen. You’ll find a story of dedication, business-savviness, deeply embedded work ethics and a relentless desire to succeed. If you want a hard set of rules on how you can become successful in business and earn the financial freedom that Bezos enjoys, then Bezos’ life story will give you exactly that.

 In this book JeffBezos: An Extraordinary Life, you will find:
Ø The story of Jeff Bezos’ childhood and how it set the stage for the strong core values he lives by today.
Ø How he set up Amazon.com in a garage and turned it into one of the world’s most successful and richest companies in the world.
Ø How he went on to own the Washington Post and found the Blue Origin.
Ø The main lessons he learned throughout his life.
Ø Bezos’ 10 rules of success and how you can apply them to your life too.

It's NEVER Too Late And You're NEVER Too Old: 50 People Who Found Success After 50 by [Vic Johnson]7. It's NEVER Too Late And You're NEVER Too Old: 50 People Who Found Success After 50 proves that George Eliot, a 19th century English novelist was not in error when he said, “It’s never too late to be who you might have been.”

One of the biggest hurdles people over 50 have to overcome is the mindset about their age. There’s an old cliché of “age ain’t nothin’ but a number.” But as we all know, getting older does have certain obstacles such as dwindling health, limited income, and the end of long-time careers followed by “now what in the heck do I do?” Yes, age is the number of candles on a birthday cake, and a stark reality of things to come. But getting older isn’t…
Ø A deal breaker.
Ø A reason you can’t start a business or any other new venture.
Ø A limit on success.
Ø A valid excuse for inaction.
Ø A valid excuse to give up on your dreams.
Here are 50 people who overcame the very same things you are facing right now. Let them show you the way to outrageous success and happiness regardless of your age or circumstances.

If you don't read, you won’t know. If you don't know, you will be disadvantaged. If you are disadvantaged, you will stagnate and deteriorate. Read at least one book a month, and a couple of magazines a month. When you are a regular reader, the adage that "knowledge is power" will forcibly be realized in your very life and it will be appreciated by the world around you. See you on my next post on this  blog about another exciting way to advantage yourself in life. Hope you are now beaming with THE ADVANTAGE OVERLOAD!!!

Do you believe that "You Are What You Know"? Any experience? Kindly share in the comments.

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You are welcome to leave your comments below on this most important issue of our dear lives. You can also subscribe to enable notification of more upcoming posts of life enhancing value.