Wednesday 12 August 2020

Why Selena Gomez Loves The 2 Week Diet…Like A Love Song, Baby

The buzz is already began...

Thousands across the globe are popping up left and right, filled with newfound self-esteem because they lost unwanted fat by following a simple, scientifically proven method…and you can hear their raving testimonials here for free. 

Selena Gomez WallpapersEven celebrities in the class of Selena Gomez have tried the 2 WeekDiet. They give some well deserved credit to this fast, convenient, and safe weight loss system. The information we are thrashing out here explains the sure fire reasons why such famous celebrities can give credit to The 2 Week Diet, and you know how celebrities are serious about their health and looks, don’t you?

Lose The Belly Fat in Two Weeks

This diet program is not only making people drop over 1 pound of stubborn body fat EVERY 72 HOURS... it’s also responsible for numerous people dropping 2-3 dress sizes, burning 2-4 inches off their waist, having flatter stomachs, and losing fat off their hips, thighs, and butt within 14 days.

See what all the buzz is about here

Here’s the deal: millions upon millions of people in the world sit around wishing, hoping, or praying for a better way to lose fat, tone up, and achieve the body they've always wanted.

They try diet after diet, workout after workout, sadly with only minimal or temporary results to show for it.

Fortunately, The 2 Week Diet is different: it’s real, it’s proven, it’s safe, and the results are PERMANENT. (No magic pills or grueling workouts required.)

If you suffer from low self-esteem about your body or if you want to improve your attractiveness and health, then there are some things you should consider…

Will you be stuck in the same rut in a year? What about 5 years from now? Will you suffer with obesity, high cholesterol, or low self-esteem for your entire life?

Every day your eyes catch some dreamy boy or smoking hot girl. Isn’t it time that they took notice of you as well?

Take the first step to claim the body and the confidence you’ve deserved for a long time — but just didn’t know how to get.

Watch the short, complimentary video right here, right now.


Building A Righteous Bod: 5 Commandments Of Smart Dieting

To see the best results from any diet plan, you’ve got to know the “Diet Commandments.” These guidelines are essential for superior results. They will take you to the Promised Land, flowing with good health and energy.

Sadly, many dieters miss out on one or more of these rules, and it costs them their success.

1.  Thou Shall Eat More Protein

Of all the foods you might eat while on a fat loss diet, protein is probably the most important. Protein combats hunger, stabilizes blood glucose levels, and prevents lean muscle loss. The result is raised metabolism and accelerated fat loss.

Don’t let your protein intake fall short. Aim to consume some in every meal and snack. For some unexpected sources of protein, consider quinoa, bulgur, avocado, and whole wheat bagels.

2.  Thou Shall Eat Regularly

You may have heard that metabolism increases the more often you eat. That’s somewhat misleading. Actually, the boost you get from a meal is directly related to meal size — eating regularly does help keep hunger at bay.

Feed your body frequently throughout the day to avoid food cravings and energy lows. Those who follow this guideline are more likely to stick to their diet or weight loss program.

3.  Thou Shall Prioritize Fresh Foods

When selecting your foods, remember processed foods are a sin. Eating fresh is a must. In our world, processed foods are around every corner, waiting to cause weight gain and thwart our efforts for a healthy life.

Eliminate processed food and give your diet a major boost. Focus on natural foods, like fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, healthy fats and oils, and lean proteins. This isn’t the Garden of Eden — reaching for the apple is the right choice.

You could call this commandment the Golden Rule of dieting. If you make only one change to your diet plan, make this one.

4.  Thou Shall Set Short-Term Goals

One diet rule that you should abide by is to continually set short-term goals. Think about your strategy in the here and now, not months ahead. If your goals can only be achieved far down the road, it becomes too easy to lose sight of them.

You should also ensure that you put your goals in writing and tell a friend or family member about your intentions. The accountability will redouble your commitment.

Try thinking in two-week segments. Two weeks is generally the period necessary to form good habits, so it’s the perfect amount of time to build behaviors that stand the test of time.

This is precisely why The 2 Week Diet was created. It will help you stay motivated and consistent until good decisions become automatic.

5.  Thou Shall Avoid Fruitless Comparisons

Finally, stop comparing yourself to others. Realize this is your journey. Your body is unique and you won’t see the same results as everyone else, so don’t expect to.

Instead, start comparing yourself today to yourself from yesterday. That will give you everything you need to know. If you improve every day, or hold fast to your diet program, then you are already a success.

Keep these diet commandments in mind. Focus on them and be confident you are building a truly righteous body.


Don’t Be Duped! — 3 “Diet Foods” Guaranteed to Sabotage Your Health

Are you putting 100% into your diet program, but feel like you’re getting 0 results?

Many people find themselves in this pickle. They work hard, hold  on to their diet strategy like bulldogs, but fail to see the transformation they wanted. Despite hopes being high, the scale refuses to go downward.

What gives?

Often, the problem is not effort or motivation. The issue is that they are incorporating certain foods in their diet plans that are actually not diet foods at all. The diet industry is big business, and unfortunately many companies market their products as healthy, even though they are counter-productive options.

What are these foods? Here are three problem foods you need to cut from your diet immediately.

Fruit Flavored Yogurts

Fruit flavored yogurts are a favorite among many dieters, but many fail to see them for what they are: pint-sized sugar bombs. Individual yogurt packs have gotten unhealthier and unhealthier, while their reputation as a go-to diet food has regrettably survived.

Next time you’re picking out your favorite yogurt, double check the sugar content. You might be surprised to find there are 15+ grams of sugar per serving.

Of course you can purchase the sugar-free varieties, but then you’ll be consuming unwanted artificial sweeteners, which can be just as bad for you.

Instead, opt for plain Greek yogurt. Flavor it yourself by adding a handful of fresh berries.

Fat-Free Products

Beware of any product marketed as “fat free.” These products proudly label themselves as fat-free, and that very well may be true.

But ask yourself, if the fat is removed, what has been added? Time and again, the fat content has been substituted with something just as undesirable.

Often that means heaps of sugar.

If you are trying to lose body fat, sugar is just as bad — if not worse — than fat is.

Protein Bars

The last problem food to be wary of is the protein bar, despite its prevalence in many diet programs and meal plans. These may seem like a great option because they contain protein, but once again you have to look a little closer.

Check that sugar content. Most protein bars have upwards of 15 grams of sugar per bar. Some contain 30 and even 40 grams.

In actuality, these are glorified chocolate bars. While you can buy a few bars with very low sugar content (five grams or less per bar), these will require a little searching.

Sadly, many dieters are blissfully unaware of these three problem foods. Are any of them in your current diet?

If you want to learn the two must-eat foods that will catapult fat loss into high gear, make sure you check out The 2 Week Diet. Highly-readable and conveniently-packaged in PDF form, it has all the best advice you need to correct any lingering misinformation you’ve fallen prey to.

The 3 Most Common Dieting Mistakes of Women

A woman on a diet has many suitors. The weight loss world is full of companies and self-appointed experts competing for her   attention, often spreading misinformation and making impossible promises.

It’s so predictable. They just want to get into her… pocketbook.

If you’re a woman struggling with weight loss, there’s a good chance you have heard some unreliable information, causing you to make a mistake or two. Just a bit of misinformation can make weight loss seem like a hard code to crack.

It doesn’t need to be as complicated as it seems. By learning about these mistakes, you can quickly unlock your potential and get back to getting results.

 Let’s look at four need-to-know weight loss mistakes:

Starvation Diets

If 1400 calories is good, 1000 must be better, right? Wrong. Your body needs fuel to burn fat properly. As strange as it may sound, if you cut your calories back too far, your body will actually begin conserving its store of fat.

Think about wild animals in winter. When they eat less and less each day, the body gets “worried” and prepares itself for continued scarcity of food. Your body is the same. Too little food, and it will preserve its energy stores (i.e., fat) as long as possible. You may experience initial success, but it will quickly hit a plateau.

You want to use a moderate calorie deficit, like the one detailed in the 2 WeekDiet plan. This plan ensures your metabolism stays highly active for optimized fat loss.

Overdoing Cardio Training

If there’s one mistake that most women make in common, it’s hours spent on cardio machines. While some smart cardio training (such as sprint training) can be beneficial for fat loss, there’s no need to chain yourself to the treadmill, bike, or elliptical. In fact, doing so can do more harm than good.

Alternatively, what you need is an easy-to-follow weight training program that focuses on key lifts that make you stronger.

Check out The 2 Week Diet workout program if you need assistance in this area. This program will streamline the top calorie-burning exercises that firm up and tone your body while helping you drop fat quickly.

Overcomplicating The Process

Finally, the last big mistake that many women fall prey to is overcomplicated programs. Diet plans with a million rules and regulations only lead to confusion, demotivation, and eventually giving up.

Simplicity is best. A few smart, easy-to-follow guidelines are most effective for superior results.

Fat loss isn’t rocket science. It boils down to fueling your body with the right food choices and amount of energy. That encourages the body to burn fat cells for energy.

For a complete breakdown, consider using The 2 Week Diet plan, which has produced amazing results for thousands without making you feel like you need a Ph.D. in nutrition to succeed.

If you see yourself making any of these mistakes, then forgive yourself, make a change, and get on track to a healthier, more energetic future.

What Are the Biggest Reasons Diets Fail?

The average American dieter makes 4-6 dieting attempts per year.   Clearly that means the first… and second… and third attempts weren’t successful. It’s a vicious circle of demotivation that leaves many feeling like they cannot succeed without

superhuman tenacity.


Maybe you are ready to throw in the (oversized) towel on dieting for good.

Don’t be. Take a minute to look at the four reasons why most diets fail, and then find a diet plan that bypasses these pitfalls. Soon you will find yourself on track to optimal success.

Let’s look at the four key factors.

Unrealistic Calorie Intakes

The “starvation mode” method only sets you up to fail. By consuming so little food, your body literally starts shutting down to conserve fuel.

When this happens, you are on a one-way path to a fat loss plateau. Yes, you should lower calorie intake to see fat loss results, but you need to do it in a way that maintains your “metabolic engine.”

Lack Of Satiety-Boosting Nutrients

Another big issue with most conventional diets is they fail to provide enough of the two most filling nutrients: protein and fiber. You need protein to function optimally. It also breaks down the slowest, providing the body with lasting satiety.

Couple protein with dietary fiber, found in fresh fruits and vegetables, and digestion will slow even further.

Many crash diet plans are very low in protein. While they recommend lots of vegetables, many discourage the consumption of fruit.

By making these two nutrients a focus of your plan instead, you can see faster, lasting results while actually enjoying your diet meal plan.

Time Consuming Meal Prep

Who has an hour each and every day to meal prep? Not me — and definitely not you. Yet, many diet plans are complicated enough to require this. If that describes your diet, it’s no wonder if you’re failing.

Alternatively, you want to find an approach that gives you basic and easy-to-implement guidelines that help you realize true success with your program.

This plan should not require hours of extra effort each week. In that case, it’s stealing free time that you should use to reward yourself for good behavior. It should work with your lifestyle, not against it. When you find such a plan, it’ll be cakewalk to stick with it.

Long-Term Approach

Chances are you’ve heard that any diet plan you use should follow a long-term approach.

That’s excellent advice.

However, if your diet plan is designed to span months, this can be a motivation killer.

Find a diet with a definite deadline. Two weeks is optimal because that’s how long it takes to form long-term habits. Two weeks is also long enough to see good results, but not short enough to stay motivated.

Anyone willing to lose weight can diet for two weeks. This is foundational to The 2 Week Diet. In many, many cases, the initial transformation is so remarkable, it provides abundant motivation for continued fat burning. Success breeds success.


Hold On Like a Bulldog — 3 Secrets To Stick To Your Weight Loss Program

Struggling to stick with your diet program? You aren’t alone. Millions of people worldwide fall off diet programs every day.

Often, it’s due to a few key mistakes they’re making along the

 way. Let’s take a closer look at three powerful secrets for sticking to your diet plan. Put them into action and see the results you’re looking for.

Get A Diet Buddy

One word of advice: don’t go at it alone. Those who get a diet buddy will experience the high’s and low’s together. They stand a much better chance of success in the long run.

If you can’t convince someone to diet with you, at least find someone who will support you and keep you accountable as you need it.

You will hit hard times, and it will really help to have someone by your side.

Use Hunger-Busting Strategies

Hunger is another reason why many people can’t stick with a fat loss diet plan. That’s natural, but avoidable. Either they cut their calories too much, or they lack foods that promote satiety.

Focus your diet around foods that break down and digest slowly. Lean proteins coupled with fibrous carbohydrates are the best choices, followed closely by small doses of dietary fat.

While fat calories can add up quickly, small amounts can work wonders for hunger control.

Set Short-Term Goals

Think about what you want to accomplish in two weeks. It can be beneficial to dream about your transformed body in a year’s time, but only in tandem with achievable short-term goals. Otherwise you will lose sight of the light at the end of the tunnel.

Remember that Rome wasn’t built in a day, and you won’t lose all the weight in a week. Focus on the here and now. Find a program, such as The 2 Week Diet, that focuses on the coming weeks. Use that time to build good habits, and you will be prepared for the future months.

Want to make the 2 week concept work for you? Check out The 2 Week Diet plan, which teaches you how to build proper habits over the course of two weeks. Equip yourself for a future of weight loss and health maintenance.

To harness the powerful psychology behind The 2 Week Diet, check it out here.

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You are welcome to leave your comments below on this most important issue of our dear lives. You can also subscribe to enable notification of more upcoming posts of life enhancing value.

Sunday 12 July 2020

How To Look Younger in 90 Days – Stay Young Naturally

Couple Walking

Scientific Evidence Reveals "Fountain of Youth" Formula

Scientists have targeted a very powerful hormone responsible for human growth and cell regeneration that, once harnessed, has all the properties of a bona fide "fountain of youth."

It is known as "Human Growth Hormone" and it's an extremely important part of our body's functioning at the cellular level.

In fact, not only does HGH promote the growth and regeneration of cells; it also allows other vital functions in our bodies to occur, including...

  • Metabolism
  • Brain function
  • Sexual responses
  • Healing
  • Muscle growth

... and more.

However, as we age we experience a drop in HGH levels. All the normal results of aging occur in direct correlation to this drop in HGH.

For years, we've simply assumed that this is a natural part of the aging process. And we assumed there was nothing we could do about it; consequently, resigning ourselves to living painfully disadvantaged years unnecessarily.

But after a great deal of scientific research and clinical trials, we now know: We were wrong!

You can be advantage overloaded and reverse your aging almost effortlessly.

The Benefits of HGH

In study after study, the benefits of HGH are clear - and they are impressive.

HGH has been proven to have far-reaching effects, including all of the following:

  • Wrinkle disappearance
  • Improved overall life outlook
  • Exercise tolerance
  • New hair growth
  • Healing capacity
  • Skin elasticity
  • Back flexibility
  • Muscle size
  • Body fat loss
  • Sexual function, sexual potency/frequency
  • Improved cognition and memory
  • Stabilize your moods
  • Lower your blood pressure

... And more!

But How Does It Work?

In simplified terms, HGH is basically like sipping from a fountain of youth. When HGH levels are increased in your body, you literally turn back the clock to rediscover a more youthful you.

For example, here are a few of the benefits of HGH, with a quick explanation of HOW this little hormone can have such dramatic effects:

·         Weight loss

HGH can help you lose weight easily, and here's why: When you increase the levels of HGH in your body, you increase your metabolism (or metabolic rate). This means your body can process nutrients faster and more efficiently, which leads to rapid - and effortless - weight loss.

·         Improved memory

HGH can also help to improve your failing memory by rejuvenating the cells in your brain. With increased cellular health, your cognitive function (awareness, thinking, and memory) are improved.

·         Increased skin elasticity

The cell-regenerating properties of HGH mean that time can literally be turned back, reducing those fine lines and wrinkles and giving your skin the elasticity and healthy glow of your youth.

·         Increased sex drive

One of the biggest benefits of HGH is that it can directly impact your waning sex drive. As we age, our libido naturally drops - for some people, severely. There are a number of factors that cause this, including hormones, skin sensitivity, blood pressure, and more.

HGH improves all the key functions required to regain a vigorous, healthy sex life.

The many benefits of HGH are astounding. Treatment, however, is a little tricky. Let's have a look at some of the treatment options for HGH.

Treatment Options for HGH Therapy

Traditionally, patients in need of Human Growth Hormone treatments had to subject themselves to a course of multiple injections of HGH from the pituitary glands of cadavers.

While this treatment option was effective (if somewhat ghoulish), there were two major drawbacks:

1.  The benefits of HGH injections were only temporary, so the injection therapy had to be repeated over and over.

2.  The treatment was very expensive - adding up to tens of thousands of dollars per year.

For the average person suffering the ravages of aging, this form of treatment simply wasn't an option.

Another option that became available was to orally ingest human growth hormone. However, the molecular size of HGH and its incompatibility with the digestive system means that taking HGH by mouth simply doesn't work.

But a recent scientific breakthrough has made HGH accessible to everyone. The new method of treatment is not actually using human growth hormone itself.

Instead, it's a complex blend of proteins, amino acids, herbs, and other nutrients specially formulated to help stimulate your body to produce its own HGH.

The formula targets the anterior pituitary gland, causing it to produce and secrete more HGH into your body. The result is that your body's systems begin to improve and function like that of a much younger person.

To find out more about how you can stimulate the production of HGH in your body and combat wrinkles, muscle loss, weight gain, and a lagging libido naturally today, you might want to consider a doctor endorsed natural herbal supplement such as GenF20.

GenF20 PlusGenF20™ is the #1 rated HGH Releaser available on the market today, targeting those who wish to fight aging and restore youthful appearance and vitality.

It's a clear winner in the anti-aging market space where there are imposters abound; GenF20 stands out not only because it is doctor endorsed -- but because it is enthusiastically recommended by users.

As you age, your HGH (human growth hormone) levels begin to drop off.

And as science has proven, this decrease in HGH directly correlates to how rapidly your body begins to age, affecting everything from your appearance (sagging, wrinkles) to your muscle tone, fat retention, memory, sex drive, energy levels, and more!

GenF20 helps your body to safely and naturally restore the HGH levels of your youth, literally REVERSING aging, all without costly and potentially dangerous injections of synthetic HGH.

It's a dietary supplement known as an "HGH Releaser" that contains a special, scientifically formulated combination of amino acids, nutrients, and peptides...

... All designed to kick start your pituitary gland into NATURALLY releasing more of your own HGH!

Benefits can include a more youthful appearance, increased muscle tone, fat loss, increased metabolism, a super-charged sex drive, boundless energy, and more.

For the vast majority of individuals, invasive surgeries and expensive anti-aging injections are simply out of the question. Yet they're still seeking an anti-aging solution...

... Safe, affordable, and doctor endorsed as a 100% natural HGH Releaser, GenF20 presents an obvious competitive advantage to users of all walks of life as it is not only anti-aging but enhances other vital body functions, adding to a longer and more exciting life.

Doctor Endorsements

With GenF20 fully and authoritatively backed by real doctors, unlike false doctor endorsements you may be accustomed to, potentially putting yourself at high risk, GenF20 is about the only product out its competition whose owners can back up why we're the it’s the best!

Dr. Steven Lamm, M.D. , in his show of full confidence in GenF20 aptly postulates:

Dr. Steven Lamm“Throughout my career as a doctor, researcher and author, I am constantly investigating new solutions and supplements that I can share with my patients to help them improve the quality of their life as they age, and that is why I want to introduce you to GenF20 Plus, a powerful, all-natural human growth hormone releaser...

Product Format

Daily supplement; each bottle contains 120 capsules, a one-month supply.

Target Audience

Suitable for both men and women aged 21 to 60+ who wish to reverse the effects of aging to enjoy a more youthful appearance, increased energy, weight loss, improved sex drive, and more.

The Magic Touch Of Exercise

Whatever your life’s endeavours, there is no food, medicine, drink or supplement that can replace the need for body exercise. While GenF20 shows remarkable results even without expensive gym work outs, an addition of at least some mild exercise program would get you far. After all, the necessity of exercise is validated by the fact that it has a way of adding to long life.

Advantage On The Brain

Scientific evidence suggests that what affects the body affects the mind, and vice versaWhen the body is sick, the mind may function poorly; and when the mind is sick even the body suffers. When both mind and body are sound, life rolls like a charm. And so, when your dear body is affected by a low level of Human Growth Hormone as well as lack of exercise, your brain may suffer too. And with the brain being the very centre of your entire body functions, the need to maintain good HGH plus exercise is unquestionably of critical importance; just like the need for all other healthy lifestyle factors.

That explains the need for us to mind how we tend our physical health. But, sadly, many cherish health habits which in turn affect not only their physical capacity but also their sexual capacity negatively. If we all had enough discipline to live healthy lifestyles, it would surprise the world what we are all capable of.

The fantastic benefits of good HGH in the body must be balanced with physical activity, just like any ordinary food supplements or medicine must be accompanied by physical activity. You are doing yourself a lot of harm if you simply lead a life devoid of any physical exercise.

Why Is Exercise Important?

Exercise is important as it relieves of mental tensions and improves one’s confidence. Furthermore, it gives you a stronger body, sharper brains and a fulfilling sexual health experience. Research suggests that exercise can improve cognitive function, slow down mental aging and enhance mental performance. It also has a positive bearing on your muscle strength and body endurance as it works to improve your energy levels. In addition, a consistent physical activity program can reduce your risk of Alzheimer’s in older life and also arrest mental deterioration and memory loss.

It therefore follows that a good flow of Human Growth Hormone in your body, combined with at least mild exercises like walking, can set you on a rock of high advantage in many ways only dreamt of by those without the necessary knowledge.

So, there you are! If you are disadvantaged due to low HGH, it is not the end of the road whatever your age. You can overload your advantage and roll back into your favorite activities with remarkable pleasure as GenF20 has proven to work wonders.

Let us Talk About It More

You are welcome to leave your comments below on this most important issue of our dear lives. You can also subscribe to enable notification of more upcoming posts of life enhancing value.

You can check out GenF20 here